Mesa County Genealogical Society

Mesa Cemetery (Mesa, CO)

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Mesa Cemetery (Mesa)

1912 - ????

Mesa Cemetery
Mesa Cemetery - **Photo Credit: DRJ 2004

Find a Grave - Mesa Cemetery.

Find a Grave lists additional names for this cemetery, i.e. Fairview, & Mesa-Molina Cemetery.

Gate Location Address: 50050 KE Road, Mesa

Directions: From Mesa, CO Post Office to Highway 65 & KE Road go East on KE Road about 1.1 mile to cemetery (entrance on East side of cemetery.

Some History

In 1888 Nels P Johnson purchased 160 acres, 40 of which included the land that this cemetery sits on. And on 30 July 1891 he received a patent from the Bureau of Land Management for Section 21, SW 1/4 SW 1/4, Twp 010S-Rng 096W, 6th Principal Meridian. The Fairview Cemetery Association of Mesa purchased part of this land for the cemetery.In 1898 Nels Johnson sold part of his land to Thomas Crum who then sold an additional amount to the Fairview Cemetery Association in 1899. For those who are interested the Patent, Deeds and maps can be found here. Thank you to Marie Tipping for taking the time to research compile all this information.

Satellite Map and Plat Map

The satellite map image was accessed from Google Earth on 25 April 2023, the Plat Map was provided by Marie Tipping

Mesa Cemetery Satellite
Mesa Cemetery satellite image Mesa Plot Map
Mesa Cemetery Plot Map 08 Feb 1907

Obituaries for the burials in this cemetery can be located in various places, however the 'Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection' is often a resource overlooked by researchers. Newspapers can be searched here. An example found in this collection is a long death and funeral notice printed in the 11 Oct 1918 edition of 'The Plateau Voice' from Colbran, Colorado, for William Ditman (sic) a Union Army veteran:

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